A few weeks late, but Happy 5th Birthday, Briley! Four was pretty magical, but I'm sure you will find some way to top it. I am so proud of you and who you are.
At five, you are entertaining... you wake up singing and go to bed singing. Everything is a song. You are sweet. You are the best big sister your brother could ever ask for and your love for River sometimes keeps me going. You are imaginative. You're a creator and you are so happy at the kitchen table surrounded by your art supplies. I'm so thankful for your happiness... you are a very happy, very positive, easy to please child. You're normal too... we have our share of testing the limits as you work your way through developing independence and you are stubborn to a T. You conquered school this year and it was so great to see you flourish and make new friends. You are a lover of people (and hmm, wonder where you get that?) You see the best in everyone and often don't understand when people are mean. It's ok; just keep being you. That's the best thing you can be and you are really good at it. I love every bit of you and you are a delight.
God knew I would need you. When we found out you were a girl there were more than a few moments of wondering what to do with a girl when I had been so sure that God would give us a boy first. Now I look back and I couldn't be more grateful for the gift of you and how God saw exactly what I needed before I ever realized it.
I'm praying for you. I pray that God uses you, pray that He draws you near to Him at a young age. I'm praying for your friendships because I know how big a part they will play in your life. I pray for the man you'll one day marry and I pray he sees you for the gift you are, leads you, loves you, and protects you. I tell God how thankful I am for you- this perfect (for us) little blessing that made us parents. We love you!
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